Wednesday 15 August 2012

Happy 65th Independence Day ! ! ! ! !

Happy 65th Independence Day:

      The Independence Day of India, celebrated on 15 August, is a holiday commemorating India's independence from the British rule and its birth as a sovereign nation on 15 August 1947. India achieved independence following the Indian independence movement noted for largely peaceful nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience led by the Indian National Congress. The independence coincided with the partition of India wherein the British Indian Empire was divided along religious lines into two new states—Dominion of India (later Republic of India) and Dominion of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan); the partition was stricken with violent communal riots.


     At the stroke of midnight, as India moved into August 15, 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, read out the famous speech proclaiming India's independence.

     The moment ended three centuries of British colonial rule. The land was no longer the summer retreat of British sahibs who fancied spices, hunting, elephants and snake-charmers.

     Independence was also the end of nearly a century of struggle for freedom, battles, betrayals and sacrifices. It also created a situation where we were responsible for ourselves.

     But it wasn't a period of unqualified joy. For a lot of people, in spite of a new era promised by independence, partition was a painful reality and so was the bloodshed that accompanied it.

     That was 65 years ago. Much has changed; the struggle for freedom lives on in history books and memoirs, and on the tombstones of valiant martyrs.Politics has undergone a personality change from fiery idealism to a pragmatic cynicism. Karma drives the nation on its way forward, and population has crossed the billion mark.But, come August 15, and the people put their troubles behind them for a while, as they stand up as a nation for the National Anthem. Along with the soaring cadences of the anthem, the hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow are renewed in political speeches and replays of the deeds of those who earned us our freedom.Independence Day is an occasion to rejoice in our freedom and to pay collective homage to all those people who sacrificed their lives to the cause. But it is more than that. It also marks the coming together of more than 400 princely states into one nation - India. This was probably our biggest diplomatic success.

    Each year, August 15 gives us the reason to celebrate all this, and do much more - it is a time to contemplate what we have and how we achieved it.Though India had no dearth of religious and community festivals, there was, till Independence, no true national festival that the whole country could partake of. Independence Day, beginning as a day to commemorate the greatest moment in Indian history, has now come to signify a feeling of nationalism, solidarity and celebration.

National Anthem:

    Jana Gana Mana is India's national anthem written in Sanskritised Bengali by poet Rabindranath Tagore.

National Song:

          Bankim Chandra Chatterjee composed the national song of India with a title “Vande Matram”. The national song was first sung by Rabindranath Tagore by setting heart touching glorious tone to it. The song was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in 1896. Shri Aurobindo translated the national song into the English version which is considered as official and best as per Bhavan's book, Vande Mataram by Moni Bagchee.

Vande Mataram !
Sujalam, Suphalam,Malayaja Shitalam,
Shasya shyamalam, Mataram !

Shubhra jyotsna Pulakita yaminim
Phulla Kusumita
Drumadala Shobhinim,
Suhasinim, Sumadhura Bhashinim,
Sukhadam, Varadam, Mataram !

Sapta Kotikantha Kalakala Ninada Karale
Dvisapt Koti Bhujair Dhrita Khara Karavale
Abala Kena Ma Eta Bale !
Bahubala Dharinim,Namami Tarinim,
Ripudalavarinim Mataram !

Tvam Hi Durga
Dashpraharana Dharini,
Kamala, Kamaladalaviharini, Vani,
Vidyadayani, Namami Tvam,
Namami, Kamalam,
Amalam, Atulam,
Sujalam, Suphalam, Mataram,
Vande Mataram !

Shyamalam, Saralam,
Susmitam, Bhushitam,
Dharanim, Bharanim Mataram !

National Emblem:
     The National Emblem of India is a replica of the Lion of Sarnath, near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. There are four Asiatic lions (one hidden from the view) standing back to back - symbolizing power, courage, pride and confidence - mounted on a circular abacus. The base has a Dharma Chakra at the center, a bull on the right and a galloping horse on the left.

      The words 'Satyameva Jayate' in devanagri script are inscribed at the bottom meaning “ truth alone triumphs”. This is a quote from Mundaka Upanishad, the concluding part of the sacred Hindu Vedas. The National emblem is a symbol of contemporary India's reaffirmation of its commitment to world peace and goodwill. This National Emblem was adopted on 26 January 1950, the day that India became a republic.

Best Quote Of Today !!!
" 31 States,
 1618 Languages,
 6400 Castes,
 6 Religion,
 6 Ethnic Groups,
 29 Major festivals
 1 Country!
 Be Proud to be an Indian!..
 Happy Independence Day………

Also Wishes to Pakistan have Independence Day on 14/8/2012 ! ! ! !
Both will Unite Together..............

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